If a writer tailors their writing toward a reader, rather than writing something intended to be purely private, they need to keep the...
Writing Combat if You're Not a Fighter
Aside from gym courses in archery and fencing when I was in college, I have never studied any form of fighting. The fencing class gave...
Themes: What Are They, Really?
Whenever someone writes a story, it’s about something. That may seem self-evident; obviously a story has a plot and characters whose...
I Wrote It, But I Hate It
Hating the writing I produce: this is one of my biggest stumbling blocks. I’ve only now come to understand that this is a common...
Character Vs. Narrator Epic Smackdown
I am the Narrator. It’s my job to create the story and to decide what the characters do and don’t see. I have to decide whose eyes the...
Workshopping: The Sound and the Fury
I’m a big fan of workshopping, even though my experiences doing so have been decidedly mixed. Starting at age fourteen, and for close to...